Everything Can Be Improved
MONITRR enables you to manage and measure continuous improvement in how individual outlets operate to create a network consisting entirely of top performers.
Almost without exception, manufacturer sales and after-sales networks contain some outlets that continuously outperform the rest of the network, irrespective of size or location. Their Return on Sales is always in the top quartile. They sell more products in greater volume to more customers, more frequently and more profitably. They are the top performers.
Our clients use MONITRR to support their transition to a network comprised solely of top performers.
We work with our clients and their top performers to define excellence. We help them manage their outlet: operating systems, working processes, people competencies, policies, activities and deliverables. Individual excellence or best practices can be in any form language and demonstrating excellence can be tailored to the manufacturer’s requirements together with an audit process.
Our customers can:
Create tailored network performance levels.
Create multiple network excellence league tables.
Weight the importance of individual excellence standards and the attainment criteria at each performance level.
Create Focus Areas for the network.
Perform remote or onsite audits to validate excellence levels and create tailored improvement plans to drive performance improvement.
Monitoring performance and improvement across your network using Key Performance Indicators.
Network Compliance
Managing minimum standards compliance across your network.
More MONITRR Support Services
Net Promoter Score
Measuring and improving the customer experience and loyalty with the support of advanced AI.